I must say that seeing Eat Pray Love this evening made me so grateful for the knowledge I have of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and for something more substantial than fantastic food in Italy, marvelous meditation in India and luscious love in Bali. I empathized with Liz who sought more in her life, who at times felt empty and as though she had nothing left to give, no heartbeat if you will; however, I know that there is more to life than quitting your marriage, running to other countries to find yourself and losing yourself in relationships as though they were a drug. I too have had instances to ask, "God, do you really exist" "God, do you care" and "God please help me," and I know that He hears me. I may not always get an answer, or the answer that I like; however, I always have the assurance that He hears me. I know that faith, when centered in the Lord Jesus Christ has power to deliver me and you and that hope can yield light amid the most dark horizon, I know that as I look to others in love and service and charity--the pure love of Jesus Christ--that there is enduring happiness and joy to be found in this life and in the life to come.
I think it is unfortunate that we live in a society where people are accustomed to simply saying "I don't want to be married anymore" just as simply as their spouse may say "I don't want to go to Aruba." Maybe it is because I am a home and family living major at BYU, and maybe it is because I grew up amid such a mentality... but mostly I believe that this knowledge that I have runs much deeper and is something that has been embedded in my soul from long before this life... and that is a knowledge of Jesus Christ as my redeemer. Our Sunday school lesson for church this week is entitled "Sharing the Gospel with the World" and is based on the Old Testament teachings found in Jonah & Micah... and how prevalent a need to share these things is..I wish everyone had this knowledge that God loves us and has a plan for each one of us to experience joy and happiness and can enable us to find such in any circumstance we choose or have chosen.
A brief visit to Galilee
5 years ago
Yah, I haven't seen the movie but don't think I will. I heard about her picking up and leaving her husband to go find herself.
I agree with your entire post...so thanks!
That post was from me, Brooke:)
Good points. I haven't seen the movie but from what I know about it I am sad that her road could be seen as a "better way." I am so grateful for the anchor of the gospel! And I like your alternative phrase. :)
Love it. Solid wisdom in a world lacking solidarity... so many people "ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth" (2 Tim 3:7). I wish more folks knew that the void they seek to fill can only be truly and eternally filled by God. Love what you said--how great the need to make these things known! xoxo
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