C.S. Lewis gives a voice to so many of the feelings of my heart--and I love him for that! As tends to be a habit of mine...I am reading 4 books for pleasure (not to mention the New Testament, Book of Mormon, 10 for school and 2 others relative to my most intriguing courses) but 2 of those books are by C.S. Lewis, 'The problem of Pain,' and 'A Grief Observed' As I lay in bed trying desperately to fall asleep (I have to be up in just a few hours to be at my shift in the Provo Temple) Lewis' words came to mind...
"Many things--such as loving, going to sleep, or behaving unaffectedly--are done worst when we try hardest to do them."
The aforementioned words came to mind for many reasons--some more obvious than others as the clock is ticking and a time stamp will appear on this when I publish it...
The other reasons may be less obvious.
I recently had a conversation with my mom that made me sad and angry and frustrated all at the same time--since then I have reflected back on why--I have studied the doctrine of the gospel trying to find a refute--I have sought to cultivate greater faith on the matter--I had just broken off a decent relationship with a good guy--and my mom was annoyed at me for it--she really liked him...
I kept trying to love him. I am fully aware that the decision to love is entirely up to me--sure there are factors that make it easier--but it is not something I fall into, or expect God to force upon me, or sit around apathetically awaiting it's receipt... but the harder I tried to force it... the more frustrated I became with myself and him, and everything dear to me...I knew it was not what I was looking for long term. And so in talking to my mom, she asked me why.
Honestly, there were 3 main reasons:
First, the temple was not a priority to him at all--he just plain wouldn't make time to go and hasn't since his mission. As a temple ordinance worker--my spirit would feel so constrained if bound to someone so lackadaisical. I want someone that I can grow with, and study with, and increase in light and knowledge with...
Second, missionary work was something that he did for 2 years and now doesn't really care about--home teaching is something to do if convenient, and service to others is very limited. Every time I talked about sharing the gospel with a friend, or classmate, or giving a Book of Mormon away he was visibly annoyed with me. He spoke of his mission as though he was glad it was over and never wanted to live the things he learned there. When discussing obedience he laughed at the rules--I confided in him that I had not broken a single rule in my full-time service as a missionary--he laughed out loud at that. When speaking of people we saw accept the gospel--I told him that more of my friends have become converted in Florida or Provo--he thought this was an obvious waste of my time... Finally I stopped sharing with him things like this that are dear to my heart.
Thirdly, he doesn't want to acknowledge or do anything about emotional issues from his family of origin. Don't worry--I of all people do NOT expect someone to come from a perfect family, or to have no emotional baggage--to do so would entirely annihilate my hopes of anyone accepting where I come from, or any self-acceptance, or the refining power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ in my own life--but that being said I also refuse to bury my head in the sand and pretend nothing is wrong. If I am struggling with something I seek resources and wisdom beyond my own. If I need I will counsel with an ecclesiastical leader, or a therapist, or to read a book on the matter, or simply to bring it to God and seek guidance--I do--I will continue to do so.
I explained these things to my mother...
"Well, dear..."
[she starts out, her tone even more annoyed with me...]
"I don't think there is anyone else out there who lives like you after your mission, I mean really, I just think you are being unreasonable."
It made me sick to my stomach. 1. I just had to hope and pray that she was/is wrong and 2. I wondered if she had heard anything that I said--either way I had to end our conversation before I started to cry.
Not knowing what to do next... I went to get the mail and what was in it...? The August Ensign, with the cover story reading "Single and Steadfast: Lessons in Hope" I Love God! *And, I realized just now... my concerns in our relationship can basically be summed up as the 3-fold mission of the church... I feel a little more validated in my decision now, after all I've had more peace since our relationship ended than I ever did while dating.
I think one of the reasons that I was so easily upset when talking to my mother, and trying to remain unaffected, or trying to force myself to move forward in a relationship of varying ideals is because I fear sometimes that I am being unreasonable, or that I am getting older, or wondering if I should settle... but all fear set aside, I know better than that. In the Book of Mormon, the children of Lehi, and those of Ishmael were in the wilderness--and still the Lord knowing their hearts arranged for as many as were righteous to attract and marry such righteousness (1 Nephi 16) and for whatever reason, I still have things to work on, areas of my life to refine, goals to pursue, knowledge to attain. I know the things I am learning now will make me a better wife and mother, they are allowing me to obtain greater patience, to seek opportunities to serve in my community, to pursue multiple degrees etc.
And don't get me wrong--if you are reading this and know the person I was dating--he is wonderful. I love how he made me laugh and all the fun that we had--just as far as the substantial and deep nature of our relationship--we just were not at the same place. It is funny--and a great blessing--but in this relationship-- for the first time I began to see that the trials in our lives really do help us to grow and set in clearer focus the things that are most important. And 3 years ago, I probably would have ecstatically jumped at his desire to get married thinking that the substance and ideals will come with time...
But as for now I will faithfully adhere to my hopes and dreams and the ideals for love and marriage and service and progress. As C.S. Lewis states:
"Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained."
For me it is not so much about the party and the rush anymore, I want to love and serve someone, to make it easier for him to live the gospel and reach his full-potential. I love knowing someone well enough that you know just how to make them smile--and doing that for them. I love seeing someone for all they are--both strengths and weaknesses--and not expecting them to change, but also not reinforcing them in those weaknesses. So, for those of you, like my mother, who wonder why you have not gotten a wedding announcement from me... I must still have things I need to learn so as to be more complete and to have more to offer...
Friday, August 15, 2008
Late night rambling & a lil' C.S. Lewis...
Posted by Ashley at 12:20 AM 9 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Sydney and I had a Hannah Montana PJ's Rock concert--it was basically the coolest night of the summer! I LOVE YOU SYD!
Posted by Ashley at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Backpacking Southern Utah
This backpacking trip to Coyote Gultch was one of the greatest blessings from God in my life--it was Fall of 2006 and feeling like the whole world had collapsed around me--I was able to get out of Provo, clear my head, enjoy the healing power of nature and develop friendships with a few people that have turned out to have a great impact for good on my life. I walked away a few laughs and photographs that now symbolize enduring even the darkest times in our lives--and just putting one foot in front of the other--even if/when you fall flat on your face in the mud...
Posted by Ashley at 7:24 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
Not able to sleep: a blessing in disguise
Tonight I planned to go to bed early. I turned down multiple social engagements and just wanted to call it an early night...I am exhausted from finals, am feeling under the weather, and I have to get up at 5:30 for my clinic shift tomorrow--but for some reason I just couldn't sleep--something that has been no problem at all lately.
So...for the story to come full circle you need to understand that my dishwasher hasn't really worked well for the past few months, but considering the 'manager' (who I like as a person, a great deal) happens to be 19 or so, a friend of the owner, entirely unqualified to manage rentals...(I learned that after trying for 3 months to get the washing machine fixed) so I have just been washing my dishes by hand. It's not really a problem, usually I have them done while cooking.
But...being so tired from finals this week...I wasn't quite as up to doing dishes and just put them into the dishwasher as I used them instead...so when I went up to bed earlier...set it on timed delay...just as I do every night I run the dishwasher...
Only tonight when I couldn't sleep sat at my kitchen table sorting through photos (which happens to be a favorite absent-minded activity when I am tired) and I smell smoke. The thought crosses my mind that something may have fallen onto the heating element in the dishwasher (I once melted the handle of a measuring cup that way) so I walk into the kitchen that is now filled with smoke, and open the dishwasher up to find nothing out of the ordinary--except for the small fact that my dishwasher is on fire.
I love God and the fact that being unable to sleep tonight truly was a blessing in disguise.
Posted by Ashley at 11:27 PM 3 comments
Utah Olympic Park
One of the best days I've spent in Utah was at the Olympic Park in Park City--First of all--Park City is wonderful--you're in the mountains, fresh air, less traffic, more diversity--even less light pollution at night so you can see the stars! I LOVE it up there!
My friend Stephan is amazing--he's an Olympic bobsled athlete and coach--and he took us on a private tour of the whole place. He isn't one of those athletes that sits around and expects to be served--he built--with his own two hands a practice ramp for the guys...Basically he's just amazing and I feel privileged to call him my friend.
The day couldn't really be any better--I got to spend it with Jeri and Stephan. Jeri is one of the biggest blessings in the massage program I am in--and in my life. We had a great time up there with Stephan--Jeri completely demolishing her fear of heights--and both of us attaining an all new respect for just what the body goes through in a bobsled--it's so intense!Stephan and Jeri
The bobsled is seriously a trip!
And the ski jump...Who doesn't want to lock into those 4" tracks and go off that?!?
The Zip-line was pretty great too!
And the alpine slide...
Posted by Ashley at 9:22 PM 1 comments