Congrats Sydney McCale, I am so happy for you to have chosen to be baptized. Hearing you talk about your faith in God has truly been an inspiration to me. I love you and know that Heavenly Father and your daddy Scott in Heaven love you too.Lil' Syd isn't quite so little anymore, all grown up and welcoming everyone to her baptism...
A great big hug for the favorite Uncle Brad...
Samantha so happy for her big sister...and to be sporting such a beautiful dress...
Stockton stands proudly with his Uncle Brad--looking so sharp!
I think Sydney's mom Jami loved spending time with family and friends here in Utah...especially lil' Livie...
I'm SO happy for you Syd....poor lil' Sami's crying because she had to go to another's rough having so many people who love you, huh Samantha?!? ;)
Sydney standing proudly with her Hammy Sue & Poppy...
Sydney & Stockton with Brabby & Mo... Samantha was still sad she had to leave Hammy Shan to go to the Haslem party... I'm sure she quickly forgot with Grandma Sydney's famous gingerbread houses, piƱata and fun...
Sydney & Samantha getting as many hugs from Hammy Shan as they could before having to go back home to Arizona...
When Sydney was born she got a little locket from Hammy Shan & her great-grandma lil' red. In one of the many moves it got smashed taking part of little Sydney's heart with it. So, for her baptism she got a heart-shaped locket full of love from Hammy Shan & Aunt Ashley filled with the love of angels in Heaven who watch over her, like Daddy Scott and Lil' Red, with a picture of her with daddy to hold close to her heart forever. Because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which was restored through Joseph Smith and because Sydney chose to accept the gospel and be baptized we will be with our family forever and enjoy eternal life. Sydney was very touched and whispered "thank you, it's what I've always wanted" and proudly went to show her mom. One of the last things her daddy ever wrote was "please tell my kids I love them everyday" I know he does.
A brief visit to Galilee
5 years ago
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