Monday, October 13, 2008

Is She Real?!?

Betty Crocker, an invented persona and cultural icon, is a brand name and trademark of American food company General Mills (Wikipedia). Have you ever heard it given as a compliment--a real Betty Crocker. Or used to dish advice on the greatest recipes? So personal, so easy to relate with, the woman who wants to be it all and wants to do it all--perfectly.

Shockingly, there is no Betty Crocker; rather, she was created to humanize a marketing stratagem. And knowing this...I experience feelings similar to Santa Clause or the Wizard of Oz--thanks to Wicked... And what about her happy home-making advices?
"You can search far and wide for what you need, only to find it waiting at home," "I can't think of a more rewarding goal in life than simply to be happy at home."

So is Betty Crocker real? When asked, the folks at General Mills play the Clinton card. "Depends on what you mean by 'real.' As a symbol for quality products, creative recipes and reliable advice, no one is more authentic than Betty. ... Now, is Betty Crocker an actual person? Well, we like to think there's a little bit of Betty in all of us. What do you think?"


Chelise said...

WHAT! She's not real? You mean the standard which I've been trying to achieve for the past five years is a cultural figment, created as part of an illusionary marketing scheme?.. my hopes of being the 'ultimate homemaker' and making perfect rolls, serving food to a perfect family, over a perfectly placed dinner setting is UNATTAINABLE?! I can't believe it! I won't believe it! There is nothing you can quote, nothing you can say, nothing the prophets can tell me that will change my mind. There IS a Betty Crocker, and someday, if I have enough faith and work on my homemaking skills, I WILL BE HER!

Whosyomatty? said...

LOL that is the Ideal but you are the embodiment of the reality, so good food, great conversation and love are the only ingredients you'll need for the perfect day everyday!

Chelise said...

you're gorgeous. i love your happy pictures ;)

Them Browns said...

What a bunch of ho's! No wonder my least favorite cook book is was put together by MEN, and therefore, makes no sense. And it calls for ridiculous ingredients. I feel like I just found out about Santa...