Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Blessings of the Temple...

"The Publicity Dilemma - LDS Newsroom
SALT LAKE CITY 9 March 2009 Like other large faith groups, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sometimes finds itself on the receiving end of attention from Hollywood or Broadway, television series or books, and the news media. ..."

For all those inviting to random groups & boycotts I've chosen to do as exemplified by the church & focus on my own life & aims and "determine [my] own course as [I] continue to preach the restored gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world."

It's not in avoidance of conflict; rather, I just know the good that the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ have brought into my life & I'd rather share those things than waste my time in debate of a television series that in bad taste has chosen to disparage Latter-day Saints.

Additionally, one of the greatest blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ is agency-the right to act & think for ourselves. While good decisions produce peace & clarity, no one is forced to choose one way or another. I just know for me the best thing I can do is live my life according to rigtheous principles and allow others to decide for themselves. A good guide I've found on whether or not something is good is if it brings me closer to God & helps others.

The link above has a clip on "Why Mormons Build Temples" which I found very enlightening.