Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My Love Hate Relationship with the Y

Why? Well, a couple of reasons... I have been running more and enjoying the sunshine rather than the gym. Today I was going for a short 2-3mi run when I ran into a really good old friend--Love you Camille! It gave me a second wind, so I headed north and ran a few sets of stairs, then ran back home still wasn't tired and decided that since the Jerusalem packet instructs us that we should be in good enough physical shape to run (I think it may actually have said walk...) to the Y and back 2-3 times a day so that we are ready for our excursions... I decided that sounds like a great goal to add into marathon training... but I also learned that there is a reason that God gives us little by little, line upon line... my 2-4 miles runs had not prepared me to run to the Y from my house, after a normal 'shlog.' It's like Sam relating it to spiritual conversion and consistency--just because I used to run miles on the beach or run to the Y long before that--today was a great reminder that I am no longer at sea level...or 21 years old. I also learned that(ok, maybe it was more like reinforced...) but I can be kind of strong willed/stubborn at times. I don't like switch backs... so I ran up 7th East until it ran into the mountain and then I ran straight up the mountain... I loved the run, even saw a few good friends... but I think body may hate me in the morning... especially when I am back on the mountain!

But don't get me wrong... It was absolutely beautiful... and I was able to clear my mind very well (I think all cerebral capacities and physical energies were directed toward enabling my lungs to function :)And it even helped to even out the missionary-tan-looking mess I had from studying outside yesterday!

I remember now why I love running... and we'll see how I feel about it when my alarm rings at 5:30a... I say as I climb into bed!


Ashley said...

It's all good... I only hurt when I do stairs and engage my clutch :) It could be much worse... like after Kari and I ran from Jordanelle to Liberty square... or after tri-state when we hadn't scoped the course and the last 11 miles were uphill and we hadn't trained for them... that was fun! Off to love some more! The weather is BEAUTIFUL!!!

ms-mclaws said...

YAY! What a fun day that was! I am so glad I saw you. It seriously made my day. And also, you rock :)