Monday, January 26, 2009

"You Are What You Eat..."

From my religion in the home class, and from some applied principles of Orthodox Judaism--I am seeing many areas of my life that I am excited to improve. One that I have been working on over the past 6 weeks or so is my diet. And I don't mean a fad that isn't going to last; rather, a life-style change. I have given up refined sugar almost entirely. I still drink an occasional glass of juice, I will still eat a bite or two of something offered if declination would offend...(with the exception of my vacation to Washington!) Experiencing the LOW when I came home only reinforces my desire to live a healthier life-style. I haven't consumed carbonation for 6 or 7 years now, I have substituted wheat bread for white--with some exceptions ;) And I am trying to listen to my body better. Develop my own "law of health" if you will. After all, it was not even 5 years ago that my digestive organs stopped functioning and I couldn't hold down food at all. I am also learning that it is easier for me to cope with daily stresses, the pressures of work & school, and this silly state that rarely sees the sunshine during the winter--Sorry--I am converted to and plan on being nearer to the equator to enjoy the sunshine, humidity and beach!!! But you can all come and visit :) I also do yoga for an hour a day 5-7 days a week and am sleeping a minimum of 5 hours a night--ideally closer to 8.

I didn't agree with all the readings on the dietary regiments of Orthodox Jews; however, they have caused me to think about why I eat what I do. I have more gratitude for the food that I eat, and particularly anything that was once living.

I believe in everything in moderation and truly know that I can function better when I avoid non-nutrient dense foods and take better care of my body and mind. I made cookies to take to a ward activity last night, and was impressed that another person there didn't eat sugar--it actually shocked me--but made me see that it is possible as well!


Unknown said...

So... I guess "Chocolate Cake" isn't the breakfast of champions! :( Sorry. XOXO